

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre
Exhibitor Description
The Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) proudly stands at the forefront of its field as a world-class IT service and computing user facility serving Munich’s top universities as well as research institutions in Bavaria, Germany and Europe. Home to SuperMUC-NG, LRZ is part of Germany’s Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) and serves as part of the nation’s backbone for the advanced research and discovery possible through high-performance computing (HPC). At SC24, our Bavarian academic partners from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich, the Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) and NHR@FAU and us welcome visitors to shop talk about data analytics & AI, quantum computing, tools & user support or future computing in this classic Bavarian beergarden setting. Enjoy Gmitalickeit made in Bavaria with us and learn about how we drive scientific discovery!
Products / Services
Artificial Intelligence (AI),Quantum - Software,Tools - Software