Magnetized Bipolar Jet
SessionArt of HPC Display
DescriptionThe simulation data was produced using the AthenaPK code ( using the Frontier supercomputer at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF). The data is a time snapshot from the AthenaPK simulation of a galaxy cluster with a virial mass of ~6.6e14 solar masses and a central supermassive black hole of ~1.1e9 solar masses. The data was then visualized on the Andes cluster at OLCF using VisIt ( VisIt was used to generate an isosurface of the jet and the streamlines of the magnetic field. Both the isosurfaces and streamlines were exported to OBJ files to then be further visualized on Frontier using Blender ( Blender was used to import both OBJ files and make the final PNG render of the objects using the Cycles render engine.