

Complexity Revealed
DescriptionThe coronal calculation was performed with the open source POT3D code ( using high-resolution surface magnetic field observations from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager as a lower boundary condition. The solution was computed on the Stampede2 supercomputer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center using 128 48-core compute nodes. Over 100 million magnetic field lines were then traced through the 6.6 billion cell 3D solution using the open source MapFL code ( to calculate the “magnetic squashing factor” (an indicator of magnetic structure) and determine which magnetic field lines were open (extending out into the heliosphere) or closed (falling back to the Sun). The image is a layered composite of six images of three signed quantities (squashing factor in purple [+] and green [-], magnetic field strength in orange [+] and cyan [-], and whether the field is open [red] or closed [dark blue]). The six images are blended using alpha transparency mapping, but otherwise are not altered from the original raw quantities (no sharpening or artistic enhancements are applied).
Event Type
Art of HPC
TimeTuesday, 19 November 202410am - 5pm EST
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