Cosmic Breeze
SessionArt of HPC Display
DescriptionThis animation consists of three primary elements. The first is the evolving render of the 3D structure of the coronal magnetic field. It is created from 776 sequences from the “Live Prediction” HPC simulation developed by Predictive Science Inc. as part of their scientific research and outreach for the April 8, 2024 eclipse. See for more details on the eclipse simulation, which was created using the MAS code ( running on several thousand processors. The volume rendering is used for scientific purposes and is generated using parallelized Fortran tools. These map millions of magnetic field lines from 3D model data and compute a scene by integrating a complexity indicator (the squashing factor) along parallel lines of sight. The only difference between this and the pure science version are the resolution and a very light unsharp masking to enhance contrast. The second is an image of the moon obtained using the LROC Quickmap tool ( based on public NASA/LRO data. The third is the slowly moving starfield cropped from a publicly available observation/image from the ESA/Hubble archive [Credit: NASA, ESA and Jesús Maíz Apellániz (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Spain),]. A gamma correction is applied to the original image data. The three elements are then composited using “screen” blending. The background music is “Fireflies" by Ambient Boy, obtained from