Meeting HPC Community Needs: How ACM SIGHPC, IEEE TCPP/TCHPC, and SIAG-SC/CSE Join Efforts to Engage Communities and Deliver Services
DescriptionCome and learn from the leaders of the professional societies focused on HPC — ACM, IEEE, and SIAM! Your SIGHPC, TCPP, TCHPC, SIAG-SC, and SIAG-CSE representatives invite SC24 participants to join this cross-society BoF to learn about the opportunities these societies provide. Each organization recognizes outstanding achievements in HPC with society awards, offers travel grants to students and early-career professionals, supports initiatives focused on education and outreach, and promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion. These representatives are also seeking feedback from the community to help improve their initiatives and to learn from each other.
Session Leader
Additional Session Leaders
Event Type
Birds of a Feather
TimeWednesday, 20 November 20245:15pm - 6:45pm EST