

The Message Passing Interface (MPI): Version 4.1 Is Available, Versions 4.2 and 5.0 Are Next — A Discussion with the HPC Community
DescriptionThe Message Passing Interface (MPI) API is the most dominant programming approach for HPC environments. Its specification is driven by the MPI Forum, an open forum consisting of MPI developers, vendors and users. Last year, the MPI Forum published the latest version of the standard, MPI 4.1. We will take a look at the new features and discuss what they mean for the users of MPI. We will also discuss new features targeted at upcoming versions of the MPI standard, in particular an ABI as well as new features on fault tolerance, malleability and collective communication.
Event Type
Birds of a Feather
TimeTuesday, 19 November 202412:15pm - 1:15pm EST
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