

Featured Talk 1 — The Future and What To Do About It: Processors, People, and Programming
DescriptionTrends inside the world of hardware tell us clearly where the future of HPC is heading. Details will emerge later, but for now let’s just say “complexity on steroids.” At the same time, power consumption rules. This means software must map tightly onto hardware features. We “know” how (in principle) to do this, but there are a few “engineering details” to work out. And then, of course, there are the people who are responsible for creating that software. These three — the processors, the people, and the programming — must all come together to make the future of HPC work. Simple. In this talk, we’ll discuss all the messy details missing from this abstract and the challenges they imply. Then I’ll “rain on my own parade” and discuss the technical and sociological forces that may make this whole complex house of cards come tumbling down. It should be a thought-provoking, if not insightful, conversation.