

HPC Education and Training: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges
DescriptionThe rapid advancement of new HPC technologies has facilitated the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, and HPC platforms to solve complex, large-scale, real-time analytics and applications for scientific and non-scientific fields. Given the dynamism of today’s computational environments, the traditional classroom approach for HPC pedagogy does not fit all needs required at various levels of education. The traditional computer science education, which typically mentions briefly the concept of threading, is no longer apt for preparing the future HPC workforce. Additionally, many K-12 and post-college personnel are encountering problems or are involved in projects where high performance computing can make a useful contribution. In recent years, there have been several pedagogical and andragogical approaches initiated by the HPC community to increase the instructional effectiveness for bridging the gaps in HPC knowledge and skills. This work aims to share experiences with educational challenges and opportunities that stimulate the acquisition of high performance computing skills.
Event Type
TimeMonday, 18 November 20249am - 9:10am EST
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
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