

Workshop Introduction: The Trillion Parameter Consortium
DescriptionThe predictive power of Large Language Models (LLMs) has increasingly made them go-to methods across many scientific domains. This presents scientists with new challenges but even greater opportunities as they explore various approaches and drive changes in data protection, data usage, and scientific understanding. The international Trillion Parameter Consortium (TPC) aims to bring together groups interested in collaborating around important areas including building, training, and using large-scale AI models as well as building and operating large-scale computing systems. TPC convenes individuals from three broad and overlapping communities: (1) those working on AI methods development, natural language processing/multimodal approaches and architectures, full stack implementations, scalable libraries and frameworks, AI workflows, data aggregation, cleaning and organization, training runtimes, model evaluation, downstream adaptation, alignment, etc.; (2) those who design and build hardware and software systems; and (3) those who will ultimately use the resulting AI systems to explore a range of challenges in science, engineering, medicine, and other domains. This workshop aims to provide an update on projects around the world, with empahsis on international collaborative teams working in areas ranging from evaluation and safety to training and performance to discipline-specific applications.
Event Type
TimeFriday, 22 November 20248:30am - 8:45am EST
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
Registration Categories