Educating for a Hybrid Future: Bridging the Gap between High-Performance and Quantum Computing
DescriptionQuantum computing is a promising paradigm for solving complex problems and accelerating progress in many areas of high-performance computing. The convergence of quantum technologies and high-performance computing offers unique opportunities for research and algorithm development, and requires a skilled workforce to exploit its full potential. As a result, there is a growing demand for hybrid and quantum computing education worldwide.
This panel brings together experts from leading supercomputing centers and the quantum computing industry to address the integration of QC into educational frameworks worldwide. The goal is to explore the dynamic interface between QC and HPC education, focusing on evolving user needs, necessary support systems, and innovative strategies to broaden participation in this emerging field. Through interactive discussions, the panel will explore the educational infrastructure and collaborative initiatives essential to cultivating a competent workforce adept at exploiting the capabilities of quantum computing.
This panel brings together experts from leading supercomputing centers and the quantum computing industry to address the integration of QC into educational frameworks worldwide. The goal is to explore the dynamic interface between QC and HPC education, focusing on evolving user needs, necessary support systems, and innovative strategies to broaden participation in this emerging field. Through interactive discussions, the panel will explore the educational infrastructure and collaborative initiatives essential to cultivating a competent workforce adept at exploiting the capabilities of quantum computing.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, 20 November 20243:30pm - 5pm EST
Quantum Computing