

Serverless HPC: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Prospects for Accelerated Cloud Computing
DescriptionWith the ongoing convergence of high-performance computing and cloud, HPC gains a chance to transform and improve its runtimes and programming models. HPC systems can increase their efficiency and accessibility by adapting elastic cloud paradigms, with the prime example being serverless computing. Serverless abstracts away resource management and introduces fine-grained allocations, allowing system operators to improve their efficiency with elastic containers (CaaS), functions (FaaS), and acceleration (XaaS). However, adopting serverless technologies brings challenges that have not been treated adequately in HPC: security of multi-tenant deployments, portability, and performance isolation in shared resources.

In this interactive panel, experts from academia and national labs will debate how serverless can support the rigorous demands of HPC applications. They will share experiences of introducing elastic programming models into the rigid world of high-performance systems and outline predictions for the future: Will serverless schedulers become first-class citizens on HPC systems?
Event Type
TimeThursday, 21 November 202410:30am - 12pm EST
Cloud Computing
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