The Paper Is Dead. Long Live the Paper? – How LLMs Change the Field
Description"A tidal wave of papers looms on the horizon. Inquiries for the Panel: Are LLMs heralding a paradigm shift in the academic discourse, challenging conventional notions of idea expression, communication, and the evaluation of individuals primarily through paper and citation metrics? Do the current policies set forth by ACM/IEEE demonstrate prudence, or have they preemptively acted on this evolving landscape? With the proliferation of counterfeit or plagiarized papers, do they not only present a risk to corporate integrity but also potentially jeopardize national security? If the 'publish or perish' ethos is indeed waning, what new criteria will emerge to gauge scholarly impact and advancement? How must the review process evolve, both in the immediate and distant future, to accommodate these shifting tides? Finally, in light of these transformations, is the traditional format of academic papers still indispensable, or are alternative avenues for disseminating knowledge on the horizon?" — by ChatGPT-3.5
Event Type
TimeThursday, 21 November 20243:30pm - 5pm EST
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning