

ORCHA: A Performance Portability System for Flash-X — A Multiphysics Application Software
DescriptionHeterogeneous platforms demand tailored data structures, algorithm mappings, and efficient execution, often leading to numerous, hard-to-maintain variants of source codes. ORCHA, our performance portability orchestration system, addresses these challenges through abstractions and code generation, streamlining application development across diverse hardware.

Designed to adapt the FLASH multiphysics software for heterogeneous HPC platforms, ORCHA reduces code duplication and maintenance burdens by separating data management and parallelism from arithmetic logic. Key tools include CG-Kit for optimizing implementations, a macroprocessor for flexible arithmetic specialization, and Milhoja, a runtime for efficient graph execution.

This poster highlights performance evaluations of a shock hydrodynamics application across various hardware configurations, showcasing significant GPU performance improvements with ORCHA. We will also outline ongoing efforts to extend ORCHA's compatibility to other physics solvers, aiming to provide broader flexibility and enhanced performance in diverse computational environments.
Event Type
ACM Student Research Competition: Graduate Poster
ACM Student Research Competition: Undergraduate Poster
Doctoral Showcase
TimeTuesday, 19 November 202412pm - 5pm EST
Registration Categories