

Exploring DAOS as a Burst Buffer for a 100 Gbps DAQ Real-Time Streaming System
DescriptionWe present an experimental evaluation of a burst buffer for a real-time DAQ streaming system designed to transmit instrument data to remote data centers. The system is based on EJ-FAT, a load balancing system capable of Nx 100Gbps streams, distributing data from event sources to processing nodes. We explore applying the DAOS system as a burst buffer to serve a number of purposes: improve resiliency, elasticity and add new functions into the processing pipeline. In the evaluation a sender transmits events over a 100Gbps network to a receiver integrated with DAOS to store the reassembled events using DAOS APIs. We evaluate the system for possible bottlenecks and provide end-to-end evaluation with a burst buffer using DAOS storage abstractions. We show that a receiver node can support 38.1 Gbps. This proves the viability of our approach and allows us to extend this work to investigate scale-out properties and new streaming optimizations.
Event Type
ACM Student Research Competition: Graduate Poster
ACM Student Research Competition: Undergraduate Poster
Doctoral Showcase
TimeTuesday, 19 November 202412pm - 5pm EST
Registration Categories