

iSeeMore: Design of a 256-Node RPi Cluster to Visualize LLM Computation Through Light and Movement for Mass Audiences
DescriptioniSeeMore is a kinetic cluster of 256-Raspberry Pi (RPi) computers that visually realizes supercomputing concepts (parallelism, data flow, algorithms) through servo and LED driven movement. In this poster, we describe the design of iSeeMore, the first large-scale cluster to combine movement and light in the service of educating audiences on the parallel algorithms and systems that form the underpinnings of everyday technologies we use today. We discuss core design decisions, software features for synchronizing LED hats to computation/movement, the approach to visually demonstrating parallel AI/ML concepts (e.g., LLMs), and the plan to showcase iSeeMore to large audiences.
Event Type
ACM Student Research Competition: Graduate Poster
ACM Student Research Competition: Undergraduate Poster
Doctoral Showcase
TimeTuesday, 19 November 202412pm - 5pm EST
Registration Categories