

Delivering HPC: Procurement, Cost Models, Metrics, Value and More
DescriptionHPC leadership and management skills are essential to the success of HPC. This includes securing funding, procuring the right technology, building effective support teams, ensuring value for money, and delivering a high-quality service to users.
This tutorial will provide practical, experience-based training on delivering HPC. This includes stakeholder management, requirements capture, market engagement, hardware procurement, benchmarking, bid scoring, acceptance testing, total cost of ownership, cost recovery models, metrics, and value.

The presenters have been involved in numerous major HPC procurements in several countries, over three decades, as HPC managers or advisors. The tutorial is applicable to HPC procurements and service delivery in most countries, public or private sector, and is based on experiences from a diversity of real-world cases.

The lead author (Jones) has become the de-facto international leader in delivering training on these topics, with a desire to improve the best practice of the community, and without a sales focus or product to favor.

The SC tutorials by these authors have been consistently among the most strongly attended and highly rated by attendees for several years.
Event Type
TimeSunday, 17 November 20248:30am - 5pm EST
Broader Engagement
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