The Julia Language for Productive High-Performance Computing
DescriptionWe propose a 3-hour, hands-on tutorial on the use of the Julia language for high-performance computing (HPC) applications. Julia empowers experts and novice HPC users providing a high-productivity and high-performance ecosystem powered by just-in-time (JIT) compiled code via LLVM. We will showcase Julia's support for parallel programming models: CPU threads and vendor GPUs (e.g., NVIDIA, AMD), distributed memory parallelism using its message passing interface wrapper (MPI.jl), and CPU/GPU performance portable layers. Attendees will have access to the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) resources for running CPU and (NVIDIA) GPU simulations and will learn how to use Julia to write end-to-end applications: computation, communication, data analysis. In addition, all codes will be publicly available, while we will follow up with support via a slack channel to address participants' questions after the tutorial. Applying for training at a DOE supercomputer will be available at:
Event Type
TimeSunday, 17 November 20241:30pm - 5pm EST
Applications and Application Frameworks
Broader Engagement
Emerging Technologies
Parallel Programming Methods, Models, Languages and Environments