

Supercomputing 101
DescriptionHigh-performance computing (HPC) resources and the underlying mathematics which has enabled their application have been the basis for much of the technical progress in the modern world. Engineering design, weather forecasting, robotics, process automation, and many other advances have been made possible by HPC. HPC allows scientists and engineers to start asking questions they have only dreamed of asking before.
HPC is not easy to utilize. Developers have to address resource consumption for the first time along with different languages and parallel application programming interfaces. It requires knowledge of the underlying hardware architecture. It requires a different and much deeper method of programming. This tutorial will provide an introduction to HPC for those who are new to the field. it will provide the big picture. It will cover how HPC hardware is different than traditional computing hardware. It will cover parallelization and the different methods of programming. it will provide an understanding of the starting steps, costs, and the future of HPC.
Event Type
TimeMonday, 18 November 20248:30am - 12pm EST
Applications and Application Frameworks
Broader Engagement
Parallel Programming Methods, Models, Languages and Environments
Registration Categories