

Second International Workshop on HPC Testing and Evaluation of Systems, Tools, and Software (HPCTESTS 2024)
DescriptionThis workshop brings together HPC researchers, practitioners, and vendors from around the globe to present and discuss state-of-the-art HPC system testing methodologies, tools, benchmarks, procedures, and best practices. The increasing complexity of HPC architectures requires a larger number of tests in order to thoroughly evaluate the status of the system after its installation or a software upgrade before it is transitioned to production users. Therefore, different methodologies are used by HPC centers and vendors to evaluate systems during their lifetime, not only at the beginning during the installation and acceptance time, but also regularly during maintenance windows. This workshop provides a venue to present and discuss the latest HPC system test technologies. The event will include a keynote focused on current HPC system testing topics, followed by a series of paper presentations from peer-reviewed accepted submissions and concluding with a panel discussion.
Event Type
TimeFriday, 22 November 20248:30am - 12pm EST
Debugging and Correctness Tools
Hardware Technologies
State of the Practice
System Administration
Registration Categories