

HPC Carpentry
DescriptionThe HPC Carpentry project aims to develop workshop training materials to empower novices to effectively leverage HPC to solve scientific problems in their domains.

Modeled after The Carpentries training programs, the project’s goal is to develop foundational HPC skills. The workshop setting provides learners with hands-on experience, and provides sufficient vocabulary to make subsequent self-study more effective.

In a major milestone, the steering committee is leading HPC Carpentry through the formal incubation process to become an official Carpentries lesson program alongside the existing Carpentry programs.

Our most recent focus has been developing materials for a user workshop. We begin with an introduction to the command-line shell, followed by our Introduction to HPC lesson, covering resource management. We end with a lesson on HPC workflow management.

Future plans include building a developer workshop, reconnecting with disparate contributors, and engaging with the community through regular open conference calls and outreach.
Event Type
TimeMonday, 18 November 20249:35am - 10am EST
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
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