

Leveraging National Science Data Fabric Services to Train Data Scientists
DescriptionWe document an interactive half-day tutorial in which participants explore the advanced applications of National Science Data Fabric (NSDF) services and strategies for comprehensive scientific data analysis. Targeting researchers, students, developers, and scientists, the tutorial provides valuable insights into managing and analyzing large datasets, particularly those exceeding 100TB. Participants gain hands-on experience by constructing modular workflows, leveraging public and private data storage and streaming solutions, and deploying sophisticated visualization and analysis dashboards.
Our tutorial includes an overview of NSDF’s capabilities, addressing common data analysis challenges, and intermediate hands-on exercises using NSDF services for Earth science data. Advanced applications cover handling and visualizing massive datasets requiring high-resolution data management. Attendees gain a deeper understanding of integrating NSDF services into their research workflows, enhancing data accessibility, sharing, and collaborative scientific discovery. This tutorial advances knowledge in data-intensive computing and empowers participants to harness the full potential of NSDF in their respective fields.