

Improving MPI Language Support Through Custom Datatype Serialization
DescriptionExascale applications are increasingly being written in modern languages such as Python, Julia, C++, and Rust. The Message Passing Interface (MPI), the de facto standard for parallel computing, only defines interfaces for C and Fortran, languages that are very different from these modern languages, often containing more complex types and representations incompatible with MPI. The existing derived datatype interface is widely used for older applications, but fails to work efficiently for types containing multiple pointers, requiring application-specific initialization, or serialization. Applications written in these languages can still use MPI, but at the cost of complicated address manipulation or high overhead. This work proposes a new datatype interface for MPI giving more control to the application over buffer packing and the wire representation. We built a prototype for this interface, demonstrating it with Rust, Python, and C++, highlighting key concerns of each language and showing the improvements provided.