

Advancing ODA Standardization Through An Open Source Dashboard
DescriptionSupercomputers produce big data and operational data analytics (ODA) makes this information useful to users and administrators. ODA data, properly used, can impact energy use, operational costs, high performance computing (HPC) performance, and ultimately science. Each HPC site globally has to wrestle ODA into submission with each new system. As a new system is deployed, dashboards can be highly valuable to system administrators. If the telemetry data schema changes, dashboards must be recreated using different sources, query languages, and metric names. When dashboards need to be reworked, this keeps people from using them during this valuable time. In order to ease this burden across HPC sites, we have created a system dashboard to share between sites as a way to move toward a standard for telemetry data. This paper describes the dashboard and outlines how to use it at your site.
Event Type
TimeFriday, 22 November 20248:45am - 9am EST
HPC Infrastructure
State of the Practice
System Administration
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