SStack: Software Stacks for Easier and Cleaner Software Builds on HPC
DescriptionHPC System Administrators and user support teams spend a considerable amount of time on software installation because most of them that come prepackaged in OS package managers may not be optimized for our compute resources and networks, or lack desired compilation features. These installations can be complex due to specific versions of compilers, dependencies, and MPI libraries that all together create disorganization and are inflexible to manage. This issue is even bigger at smaller institutions with limited resources that support heterogeneous clusters and have to install software for different hardware configurations to achieve the best utilization and optimization. Moreover, many researchers want the freedom to manage their software stacks and only use package managers of their choosing.
To lower the learning barriers for our users, enable ease of software installation for administrators and end users, bring a structured directory tree, and have a hierarchical structure of modules, we introduce SStack.
To lower the learning barriers for our users, enable ease of software installation for administrators and end users, bring a structured directory tree, and have a hierarchical structure of modules, we introduce SStack.
Event Type
TimeFriday, 22 November 202411am - 11:15am EST
HPC Infrastructure
State of the Practice
System Administration