

Work-in-progress: CUDA Python object models and parallelism models
DescriptionToday Python developers typically access GPUs from either deep learning frameworks or tools that haven't kept up with modern CUDA practices. In this work in progress update, the CUDA Python team will demonstrate new interfaces using the CUDA Core Compute Libraries and an updated Pythonic object model. Additionally, these tools are able to link to device side code with Numba and link time optimization (LTO). These tools are additionally working with the new nvmath-python library that takes away much of the difficulties in picking the correctly optimized CUDA library from the Python runtime. The team is eager to get early feedback and help incorporate ideas into these tools as they launch in the next year.
Event Type
TimeMonday, 18 November 20243:47pm - 4:04pm EST
Applications and Application Frameworks
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
Parallel Programming Methods, Models, Languages and Environments
Registration Categories