

A Software Platform to Support Disaggregated Quantum Accelerators
DescriptionQuantum computers are making their way into High Performance Computing centers in the form of accelerators. Due to their physical implementation as mostly large appliances in separate racks, their number in typical data centers is significantly lower than the number of nodes offloading work to them, unlike the case with GPU accelerators. As a consequence, they form large-scale disaggregated infrastructures that pose a number of integration challenges due to their diverse implementation technologies and their need to be used as a shared resource for optimal utilization. Running hybrid High Performance Computing-Quantum Computing (HPCQC) applications in HPC environments, where the quantum portion is offloaded to the quantum processing units requires sophisticated resource management strategies to optimize resource utilization and performance. In this paper, we present the Munich Quantum Software Stack (MQSS), a Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation and execution software stack tailored for integrating disaggregated quantum accelerators into traditional HPC workflows.
Event Type
TimeSunday, 17 November 202411:30am - 11:50am EST
Embedded and/or Reconfigurable Systems
Performance Optimization
Resource Management
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