

Security Testbed for Preempting Attacks against Supercomputing Infrastructure: A Case Study of a Ransomware.
DescriptionPreempting attacks targeting supercomputing systems before damage remains the top security priority. The main challenge is that noisy attack attempts and unreliable alerts often mask real attacks. This paper describes a security testbed embedded in live traffic of a supercomputer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). The objective is to demonstrate attack preemption, i.e., stopping system compromise and data breaches at petascale supercomputers. Deployment of our testbed at NCSA enables the following key contributions: 1) Insights from characterizing unique attack patterns found in real security logs of more than 200 security incidents curated in the past two decades at NCSA. 2) Deployment of an attack visualization tool to illustrate the challenges of identifying real attacks in HPC environments and to support security operators in interactive attack analyses. 3) Demonstrate the testbed's utility by running novel models, such as Factor Graph-Based models, to preempt a real-world ransomware family.
Event Type
TimeSunday, 17 November 20242:30pm - 3pm EST
Applications and Application Frameworks
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
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