EE-HPC a Framework for Energy Efficient HPC System Management
SessionSustainable Supercomputing
DescriptionThe energy consumption has become a major cost
factor in the procurement and operation of large scale HPC data
centers. In addition, funding bodies and governments are starting
to focus on assessment and improvement of energy efficiency, as
well as reducing the overall environmental impact of data centers,
like carbon usage reduction. The goal of the EE-HPC project is
to develop a targeted job specific control and optimization of the
hardware to enable a more efficient energy usage of HPC systems.
The project started at the end of 2022 and builds upon the
existing stable software components ClusterCockpit [1] and
LIKWID [2] developed by FAU. It provides a simple, robust, secure
and scalable monitoring & energy control framework for hybrid
HPC cluster management. The EE-HPC project is developing
energy aware software components that will be integrated with
ClusterCockpit for power monitoring and reducing the energy
consumption of the system.
factor in the procurement and operation of large scale HPC data
centers. In addition, funding bodies and governments are starting
to focus on assessment and improvement of energy efficiency, as
well as reducing the overall environmental impact of data centers,
like carbon usage reduction. The goal of the EE-HPC project is
to develop a targeted job specific control and optimization of the
hardware to enable a more efficient energy usage of HPC systems.
The project started at the end of 2022 and builds upon the
existing stable software components ClusterCockpit [1] and
LIKWID [2] developed by FAU. It provides a simple, robust, secure
and scalable monitoring & energy control framework for hybrid
HPC cluster management. The EE-HPC project is developing
energy aware software components that will be integrated with
ClusterCockpit for power monitoring and reducing the energy
consumption of the system.