

Expediting Higher Fidelity Plasma State Reconstructions for the DIII-D National Fusion Facility Using Leadership Class Computing Resources
DescriptionThe OMFIT CAKE workflow for plasma state reconstruction has been automated on the DIII-D National Fusion Facility to run on a combination of computational resources at DIII-D and NERSC, utilizing the emerging DOE Integrated Research Infrastructure. The reconstruction of the plasma state is vital for understanding what occurred in the DIII-D machine during the pulse. This understanding allows informed decisions to be made on how to change the configuration for the next pulse. The initial reconstruction workflow was performed on DIII-D resources for a benchmark case in 62 minutes. The wall-clock time for the benchmark case was reduced to 11 minutes by running on the Perlmutter system at NERSC, which opens the possibility to influence decisions between DIII-D pulses during an experiment. The reconstruction results can be used as inputs for other modeling analyses; the determination of the classification of the microturbulence modes is given as an example.
Event Type
TimeSunday, 17 November 202410:55am - 11:20am EST
Distributed Computing
Experimental Facility
HPC Infrastructure
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