Alessandro Orso
Dr. Alex Orso is the director of Georgia Tech’s new Scientific Software Engineering, which is focused on bringing software engineering techniques to a wider scientific audience. His research is in software engineering (SE) with an emphasis on the development of techniques targeted at real-world systems. Orso served on the editorial boards of the major SE journals (TOSEM and TSE) and has been program chair or co-chair for the main SE conferences (ICSE and FSE). He has served on the Advisory Board of Reflective Corp, has been a technical consultant to DARPA, and has received funding for his research from both government agencies, such as DARPA, ONR, and NSF, and industry, such as Facebook, Fujitsu Labs, Google, IBM, and Microsoft. Orso is a Distinguished Member of the ACM and an IEEE Fellow.
Debugging and Correctness Tools
Fault-Tolerance, Reliability, Maintainability, and Adaptability
Software Engineering