Jong Youl Choi

Jong Youl (Jong) Choi is a researcher in the Discrete Algorithms Group at the Computer Science and Mathematics Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). He earned his PhD in computer science from Indiana University Bloomington in 2012, advised by Geoffrey Fox, and his MS in computer science from New York University in 2004. His research interests encompass data mining, machine learning algorithms, high-performance data-intensive computing, and parallel and distributed systems. Specifically, he focuses on developing data-centric machine learning algorithms for large-scale data management, in-situ/in-transit data processing, and data management for code coupling. Jong actively serves on conference committees and reviews for journals such as ParaMo, BTSD, CCPE, and CLUS.
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
Graph Algorithms
Scalable Data Mining
ACM Gordon Bell Climate Modeling Finalist
Committee Roles
SC Workshop Committee Member: DRBSD-10