Benjamin Brown

Dr. Benjamin (Ben) Brown is the Director of the Facilities Division in the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR). The Division leads and executes the conception, construction, and operation of DOE’s world-leading research supercomputing, data, and networking infrastructure to enable the DOE mission and the national research enterprise. The Division’s $708M (FY 2024) budget is devoted to operations and major upgrade projects at each of the ASCR Facilities: the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, the National Energy Research Supercomputing Center (NERSC), the Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), and the High Performance Data Facility (HPDF) project. Ben is the lead architect of the Department’s Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) effort to accelerate the pace of discovery and innovation through seamless interoperability of experimental, observational, computational, network, and data infrastructure. He has been a member of the federal Senior Executive Service since 2020.
Performance Optimization
System Administration