Dr. Olga Pearce is a computer scientist in CASC at LLNL. She created Benchpark and Thicket, an open source python-based toolkit for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of parallel performance data. She serves as the benchmarking lead for Advanced Technology Systems; the PI for Performance Analysis and Visualization for Exascale Project; and Performance Modeling thrust area lead in the Fractale SI. Her research interests include HPC simulations, parallel algorithms and programing models, performance analysis, and optimization. Olga has been at LLNL since 2007. She received the NSF graduate fellowship, the Lawrence Scholar Fellowship, and joined CASC as a member of technical staff in 2014. Olga holds a PhD in Computer Science from Texas A&M University. Olga helped create the SC Student Cluster Challenge in 2008, and since 2021 holds a joint appointment at Texas A&M University as the Associate Professor of Practice to teach HPC-related courses and mentor students.
Performance Evaluation and/or Optimization Tools
Performance Optimization