

Shadi Ibrahim is a research scientist at Inria. He obtained his PhD in computer science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in Wuhan, China, in 2011. His current research interests are in scalable data management, storage systems, data-intensive computing, parallel I/O and distributed file systems, virtualization technology and Cloud/Fog computing. His work has been published in prestigious conferences including SC, ACM SoCC, IPDPS, ICDCS, IEEE Cluster, CCGrid, and ICPP. He has served as a chair or editor for more than 30 journals, conferences and workshops, and as program committee member for more than 90 conferences and workshops. He currently serves on the editorial board of IEEE Internet Computing magazine, on the steering committee for IEEE Cluster, as General Chair for SSDBM 2024, and as Tutorials Chair for ISC 2024. He is a Distinguished Member of the ACM and a Senior Member of IEEE.
Committee Roles
Birds of a Feather (BOF) Member
System Software and Cloud Computing Member