

Serge Bogaerts is the managing director and chair of the board of directors of PRACE aisbl. He
graduated in 1992 as a mechanical and electrical engineer from the Free University of Brussels (ULB).

Having been a researcher in numerical fluid mechanics at the von Karman Institute, then a design engineer in nuclear safety at Tractebel Engineering and, in 2003, a researcher in CFD-Multiphysics at Cenaero, Serge knows the challenges of numerical simulation. He managed the operations of Cenaero supercomputers from 2006, which allowed him to build up a confirmed experience in leading projects of procurement and operation of HPC infrastructures. In October 2012, he was appointed Belgian Delegate to the PRACE Council, and also served as Council secretary from
October 2015 onwards. He left Cenaero to become the chair of the board of directors of PRACE and managing director in February 2017.