Manisha Gajbe
Manisha Gajbe is a Principal Engineer at SAL within SAIT (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology) since October 2022. She is responsible for application performance analysis and modeling on Samsung's Next generation Supercomputer. Prior to joining Samsung, Manisha was with Intel for 7 years, focusing on the Data Analysis/diagnostic strategy for At-Scale Customers, and also support At-Scale Technologies and at DEG responsible for the technical ownership of OS content across market segments. Before joining Intel, she worked 13+ years in HPC working on optimization and analysis of scientific applications, system, and application benchmarks with various high speed and low latency interconnects, mathematical libraries and tools. During this period, she worked with IBM TJ Watson Research Center and Software Labs, NCSA, ORNL, LBNL and C-DAC (India). She has authored more than 20 publications, and served as technical program, peer-review, and conference committee member for various international conferences.
Heterogeneous Computing
Linear Algebra
Parallel Programming Methods, Models, Languages and Environments
Performance Evaluation and/or Optimization Tools
Best Paper Finalist