

Dr. Jane PF Bai is a Regulatory Review Scientist with expertise in systems pharmacology at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). She joined FDA in August 2005. She has co-founded and co-chaired FDA’s Systems Pharmacology Scientific Interest Group since 2015. Dr. Bai received a master’s degree in Applied Mathematics, and her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Between 1991 and 1996, she was a faculty of Pharmaceutics, University of Minnesota. From 1996 to 2004, she was an entrepreneur exploring biotech ventures, and received NIH and state funding. She licensed to pharmaceutical companies an in-silico software, OraSpotter®, for predicting oral drug absorption in humans. In addition to publishing more than 70 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters, she co-edits the book entitled “Systems Medicine” for the Methods in Molecular Biology series, which is now in print by Springer Nature.
Committee Roles
SC Workshop Committee Member: CAFCW