

Erik Lindahl is a professor of biophysics at Science for Life Laboratory, a collaborative effort of Stockholm University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and the Karolinska Institute. He serves as Dean of Chemistry and is co-director of the Swedish e-Science Research Center (SeRC). Lindahl plays a key role in the KAW-funded national research program on data-driven life science, and sits on the steering group of the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden. He co-initiated the Swedish node within CECAM and serves on its council. His research focuses on the structure and function of ligand-gated ion channels in the human nervous system, developing computational tools like GROMACS and RELION. He leads the EU-funded BioExcel Centre of Excellence for computational biomolecular research, and has served in numerous roles including chairing the PRACE Scientific Steering Committee and participating in EuroHPC's Research and Industrial Advisory Group.