Rabab Alomairy

Rabab Alomairy is a postdoctoral researcher at Julia Lab at MIT. She received her PhD in computer science from KAUST in 2022, following a BSc from King Abdulaziz University. Her research is centered around task-based numerical libraries and applications, performance optimizations for multicore/manycore architectures and hardware accelerators, dynamic runtime systems, GPU programming, and machine learning and artificial intelligence. She was selected as a Rising Star in Computational and Data Sciences by Sandia National Laboratories. She was a visiting scholar at the Innovative Computing Lab at the University of Tennessee in 2021, working on a SLATE project milestone for U.S. DOE’s Office of Science and NNSA. She shared the Gauss Award for Supercomputing of Excellence from the ISC High Performance Computing Conference in 2020 and was a finalist for the Gordon Bell Prize in 2022. She has received several Best Poster awards at HPC, AI, and computational medicine conferences.
ACM Gordon Bell Finalist
Applications and Application Frameworks
Broader Engagement
Emerging Technologies
Parallel Programming Methods, Models, Languages and Environments
Committee Roles
Applications Member
Workshops and Symposia Member