

Gabriel Hautreux
Gabriel Hautreux worked as an HPC application expert at CINES (France's National Computing Center) and Inria from 2014 to 2015, and was a member of the PRACE program to port and optimize applications on leading edge architectures. From 2016 to 2019, he worked as an application expert in GENCI’s Technological Watch Group and was in charge of the French High Level Support Team (HLST). He joined CINES in 2019.

Gabriel is now in charge of the HPC department at CINES and manages the deployment of the leading edge cluster Adastra, TOP500 #11 and GREEN500 #3 in November 2022. His current activities aim to enable the research community to leverage applications using exascale technologies, as well as increasing the energy efficiency of applications and reducing the global energy and carbon footprint of HPC centers. Gabriel is a specialist in exascale architectures, new development paradigms and energy efficiency in HPC.