
David Keyes was founding dean and director of the Extreme Computing Research Center at KAUST, where he is professor of applied mathematics, computer science, and mechanical engineering. Before joining KAUST, Keyes led multi-institutional scalable solver software projects in the ASCI and SciDAC programs of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), for which he co-developed and popularized the Newton-Krylov-Schwarz (NKS) and Additive Schwarz Preconditioned Inexact Newton (ASPIN) methods. He ran university collaboration programs at U.S. DOE and NASA institutes and taught at Columbia, Old Dominion, and Yale Universities. He is a Fellow of SIAM, AMS, and AAAS. He has been awarded the ACM Gordon Bell Prize, the Sidney Fernbach Memorial Award from the IEEE Computer Society, and the SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession. He earned a BSE in aerospace and mechanical sciences from Princeton in 1978 and a PhD in applied mathematics from Harvard in 1984.
ACM Gordon Bell Finalist
ACM Gordon Bell Climate Modeling Finalist