

Johann is a Networking/Unix specialist. He has been working for the CSIR since 1987 and joined the SANReN team in 2012. He is part of the Services Development and Incubation (SDI) team, the Performance Enhancement and Response Team (PERT) and the National Integrated Cyberinfrastructure System (NICIS) Cloud team. His current focus is on the development and roll-out of a combined 100Gbps DTN/PerfSONAR node that can be easily replicated with the aid of Ansible scripts. Other activities are to maintain the NFSEN and NetSage Netflow services, maintain the SANReN eduroam FreeRadius server, troubleshoot network performance issues using perfSONAR tools, assist researchers to move huge data sets faster, attend to all networking requirements for the yearly National CHPC conference (since 2014), assist with the yearly National Cyber Security Competition (since 2018). Past SANReN activities was to upgrade and maintain our current 10Gbps perfSONAR infrastructure and to roll out eduroam to all the Universities in South African, while maintaining the national eduroam roaming operator servers. He started his CSIR career doing hardware designs while moving into networking in the early 1990s. Projects he worked on included the development of a 2Mbps Diginet Ethernet bridge for TELKOM, ATM training and network deployments, Digital Doorway, rollout of a CSIR Wireless network, development of a FreeBSD based wireless mesh router, deployed in several rural community networks. In his private capacity he managed a community wireless mesh network as well as to coach several robotics teams that participated in the National First Robotics competition.
Performance Optimization
System Administration