

Dr. Tobias Grosser is an associate professor in compiler design at the Department of Computer Science and Technology at the University of Cambridge. He is most widely known for his work on polyhedral loop optimization in production compilers such as GCC (graphite) and LLVM (Polly) during his master's at the University of Passau (Germany) with Christian Lengauer, and later his PhD as a Google Fellow at the École Normale Supérieure (Paris, France) with Albert Cohen. As an Ambizione Fellow at ETH Zurich, Grosser expanded his research towards high-performance linear programming solvers, domain-specific compilers (e.g., for climate science), and open-source software for hardware design. Today, Grosser is interested in bringing open-source production compiler technology to a wide range of domains (e.g, databases, SMT solvers, formal theorem provers) and is in particular interested in identifying new ideas that cross domain boundaries.