Gianluca Mittone

Gianluca Mittone received his Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science in 2017 with a thesis on the handling of exceptions in Description Logics, proposing the implementation of an algorithm for the automatic revision of ontologies exploiting a Typicality operator. He also received the Master’s Degree in Computer Science in 2019 with a master thesis on a novel distributed approach for deep learning, named NNT (Nearest Neighbors Training), which takes advantage of a locally synchronous approach to achieve a better trade-off between computational time and learning results.
After eight months as a research engineer at the Computer Science Department of the University of Turin, he is now a Ph.D. student in Modeling and Data Science at the same university, working on different projects involving HPC and Machine Learning techniques.
After eight months as a research engineer at the Computer Science Department of the University of Turin, he is now a Ph.D. student in Modeling and Data Science at the same university, working on different projects involving HPC and Machine Learning techniques.
Committee Roles
Reproducibility Member
Paper Referee