
Sameh Abdulah obtained his MS and PhD from The Ohio State University in 2014 and 2016, respectively. He is a research scientist at the Extreme Computing Research Center (ECRC) at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). His research focuses on various areas, including high-performance computing applications, big data, bitmap indexing, handling large spatial datasets, parallel spatial statistics applications, algorithm-based fault tolerance, and machine learning and data mining algorithms. Sameh was part of the KAUST team nominated for the ACM Gordon Bell Prize in 2022 for their work on large-scale climate/weather modeling and prediction. He is the lead architect of the open-source spatial statistics code ExaGeoStat. In addition to his research, Sameh actively contributes to the academic community through publication, collaboration, and mentoring, aiming to advance the field of computational science and engineering.
ACM Gordon Bell Climate Modeling Finalist
Committee Roles
HPC for Machine Learning Member
Research/ACM SRC Posters Member