Michael Ferguson

Michael Ferguson is a principal software engineer at HPE who works on the
Chapel programing language and its compiler. He has has worked in many areas of the Chapel project; from LLVM-based code generation to I/O support. He’s currently the technical leader of an effort to dramatically improve the compiler, including making it more interactive and reducing compile times.
Michael is also the the primary author of FEMTO, an indexing and search system built with compressed suffix arrays.
Chapel programing language and its compiler. He has has worked in many areas of the Chapel project; from LLVM-based code generation to I/O support. He’s currently the technical leader of an effort to dramatically improve the compiler, including making it more interactive and reducing compile times.
Michael is also the the primary author of FEMTO, an indexing and search system built with compressed suffix arrays.
Heterogeneous Computing
Parallel Programming Methods, Models, Languages and Environments
Task Parallelism