Nils Deppe

Dr. Nils Deppe is an assistant professor of physics at Cornell University working in computational astrophysics. Before joining Cornell, he was a Shermain Fairchild prize postdoc at Caltech (2020-2023) and received his PhD from Cornell in 2020. Dr. Deppe's work focuses on numerically solving Einstein's equations to simulate the inspiral, merger, and ringdown of black holes and neutron stars. The ultimate goal of this work is to produce a large catalog of accurate gravitational waveforms that can be used for building models used in gravitational wave data analysis. As part of this effort, he also works on developing high-order numerical methods and how to implement them efficiently on the heterogeneous and complex hardware present in today's high performance computing systems.
Heterogeneous Computing
Parallel Programming Methods, Models, Languages and Environments
Task Parallelism