

Workshop: CANOPIE-HPC: 6th International Workshop on Containers and New Orchestration Paradigms for Isolated Environments in HPC
DescriptionThe ongoing revolution enabled via containerization, virtualization, and new orchestration models has dramatically changed how applications and services are delivered and managed across the computing industry. This revolution has established a new ecosystem of tools and techniques with new, flexible, and agile approaches, and continues to gain traction in the HPC community. In addition to HPC-optimized container runtimes, emerging technologies like Kubernetes create a new set of opportunities and challenges. While adoption is growing, questions regarding best practices, foundational concepts, tools, and standards remain. Our goal is to promote the adoption of these tools and introspect the impact of this new ecosystem on HPC use cases. This workshop serves as a key venue for presenting late-breaking research, sharing experiences and best practices, and fostering collaboration in this field. Our sixth workshop iteration will continue to emphasize real-world experiences and challenges in adopting and optimizing these new approaches for HPC.
Event TypeWorkshop
TimeSunday, 17 November 20249am - 5:30pm EST
Cloud Computing
Middleware and System Software
State of the Practice
Registration Categories
9:00am - 9:15am ESTCANOPIE-HPC — Introduction and Welcome
9:15am - 10:00am ESTSlinky: The Missing Link Between Slurm and Kubernetes
10:00am - 10:30am ESTMorning Break
10:30am - 10:40am ESTContainerized Checkpoint-Restart Mechanisms for HPC
10:40am - 11:10am ESTPULSE: Using Mixed-Quality Models for Reducing Serverless Keep-Alive Cost
11:10am - 11:40am ESTEnabling HPC Scientific Workflows for Serverless
11:40am - 12:25pm ESTXaaS: Acceleration as a Service to Enable Productive High-Performance Cloud Computing
12:25pm - 2:00pm ESTLunch Break
2:00pm - 2:10pm ESTCANOPIE-HPC — Afternoon Introduction
2:10pm - 2:20pm ESTContainerization in HPC Environments: Challenges in Optimizing Performance and Security in Scientific Computing
2:20pm - 2:30pm ESTComparative Analysis of a Containerized Compilation Process Versus Bare-Metal Compilation Runs
2:30pm - 3:00pm ESTZero-Consistency Root Emulation for Unprivileged Container Build
3:00pm - 3:30pm ESTAfternoon Break
3:30pm - 4:00pm ESTK-Foundry: Using Kubernetes-Like Control Planes with Custom Resource Definitions to Deploy Containerized HPC Applications Across Multiple Computing Platforms
4:00pm - 4:10pm ESTApplying Container Technology to the NOAA-GFDL MSD FRE Workflow, Part 1
4:10pm - 4:40pm ESTDeploying Containers on Secure HPC Systems
4:40pm - 5:25pm ESTCANOPIE-HPC Community Discussion/Open Q&A
5:25pm - 5:30pm ESTCANOPIE-HPC — Conclusions and Farewell