

Workshop: Eleventh SC Workshop on Best Practices for HPC Training and Education
DescriptionThe inherent wide distribution, heterogeneity, and dynamism of the current and emerging high-performance computing and software environments increasingly challenge cyberinfrastructure facilitators, trainers, and educators. The challenge is how to support and train the current diverse users and prepare the future educators, researchers, developers, and policymakers to keep pace with the rapidly evolving HPC environments to advance discovery and economic competitiveness for many generations.

The eleventh annual full-day workshop on HPC training and education is an ACM SIGHPC Education Chapter coordinated effort, aimed at fostering more collaborations among the practitioners from traditional and emerging fields to explore educational needs in HPC, to develop and deploy HPC training, and to identify new challenges and opportunities for the latest HPC platforms. The workshop will also be a platform for disseminating results and lessons learned in these areas and will be captured in a Special Edition of the Journal of Computational Science Education.
Event TypeWorkshop
TimeMonday, 18 November 20249am - 5:30pm EST
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
Registration Categories
9:00am - 9:10am ESTHPC Education and Training: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges
9:10am - 9:35am ESTHPC-ED: Building a Community CyberTraining Catalog
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
9:35am - 10:00am ESTHPC Carpentry
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
10:00am - 10:30am ESTMorning Break
10:30am - 10:55am ESTDeveloping an Effective HPC Training Program: A Process Example from One Research University
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
10:55am - 11:20am ESTIntegrating Captive Portal Technology into Computer Science Education: A Modular, Hands-On Approach to Infrastructure
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
11:20am - 11:45am ESTThe Use of High-Performance Computing Services in University Settings: A Usability Case Study of the University of Cincinnati’s High-Performance Computing Clusters
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
11:45am - 12:10pm ESTComputational Skills Training for Undergraduates in Molecular Engineering
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
12:10pm - 12:20pm ESTT3-CIDERS: Fostering a Community of Practice in CI- and Data-Enabled Cybersecurity Research through a Train-the-Trainer Program
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
12:20pm - 12:30pm ESTQ/A Session
12:30pm - 2:00pm ESTLunch Break
2:00pm - 2:25pm ESTFrom Student SIG to Success: The Journey of a Student HPC Special Interest Group Towards Sustainable Training and Success in Student Cluster Competitions
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
2:25pm - 2:50pm ESTEnhancing HPC Education through Virtual Cluster Administration and Benchmarking
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
2:50pm - 3:00pm ESTDeveloping Personas and Programs to Enable Research Software Engineers to Specialize in High Performance Computing
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
3:00pm - 3:30pm ESTAfternoon Break
3:30pm - 3:55pm ESTHPC Andragogy: Automating Batch Scheduler Feedback
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
3:55pm - 4:05pm ESTExercise: Design a Learning Pathway
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
4:05pm - 4:15pm ESTIntegration of Actors in HPC Ecosystems: Transdisciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity and Interaction
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
4:15pm - 4:25pm ESTEducation and Support of Large Language Models in a Research Institution
Distributed Computing
Emerging Technologies
4:25pm - 4:40pm ESTQ/A Session
4:40pm - 5:15pm ESTThe National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Project: Researcher Training, Community Outreach, and Classroom Education
5:15pm - 5:30pm ESTNAIRR User Experience: Recap and Future Thoughts