

Workshop: The 19th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS24)
DescriptionScientific workflows have underpinned some of the most significant discoveries of the past several decades. Workflow management systems (WMS) provide abstraction and automation that enable researchers to easily define sophisticated computational processes, and to then execute them efficiently on parallel and distributed computing systems. As workflows have been adopted by multiple scientific communities, they are becoming more complex and require more sophisticated workflow management capabilities. This workshop focuses on the many facets of scientific workflow composition, management, sustainability, and application to domain sciences in an increasingly diverse landscape. The workshop covers a broad range of topics in the scientific workflow lifecycle that include: reproducible research with workflows; workflow execution in distributed and heterogeneous environments; application of AI/ML in workflow management; workflow provenance; serverless workflows; exascale computing with workflows; stream-processing, interactive, adaptive and data-driven workflows; workflow scheduling and resource management; workflow fault-tolerance, debugging, performance analysis/modeling; big data and AI workflows, etc.
Event TypeWorkshop
TimeMonday, 18 November 20249am - 5:30pm EST
Applications and Application Frameworks
Distributed Computing
Middleware and System Software
Registration Categories
9:00am - 9:14am ESTWelcome
9:14am - 9:37am ESTA software Ecosystem for Multi-Level Provenance Management in Large-Scale Scientific Workflows for AI Applications
9:37am - 10:00am ESTPerformance Characterization and Provenance of Distributed Task-based Workflows on HPC Platforms
10:00am - 10:30am ESTWORKS24 — Morning Break
10:30am - 11:21am ESTAssessing and Advancing the Potential of Quantum Computing: A NASA Case Study
11:21am - 11:44am ESTParsl+CWL: Towards Combining the Python and CWL Ecosystems
11:44am - 12:07pm ESTTowards Generating Contracts for Scientific Data Analysis Workflows
12:07pm - 12:30pm ESTEnabling Low-Overhead HT-HPC Workflows at Extreme Scale using GNU Parallel
12:30pm - 2:00pm ESTWORKS24 — Lunch Break
2:00pm - 2:05pm ESTTowards a Cohesive Ecosystem of Workflows, Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Humans
2:05pm - 2:10pm ESTAccelerating the Operation of Complex Workflows through Standard Data Interfaces
2:10pm - 2:15pm ESTTrust and Verification of AI-Based Decision Making for Future Scientific Workflows: Challenges and Solutions
2:15pm - 2:20pm ESTIntegrating Evolutionary Algorithms with Distributed Deep Learning for Optimizing Hyperparameters on HPC Systems
2:20pm - 2:30pm ESTWorkflows on LUMI: Europe's most powerful supercomputer
2:30pm - 3:00pm ESTPanel Discussion: Future of Scientific Workflows
3:00pm - 3:30pm ESTWORKS24 — Afternoon Break
3:30pm - 3:53pm ESTManaging Workflow Malleability in Urgent Computing for Earthquake Alerts
3:53pm - 4:16pm ESTA Microservices Architecture Toolkit for Interconnected Science Ecosystems
4:16pm - 4:39pm ESTShepherd: Seamless Integration of Service Workflows into Task-Based Workflows through Log Monitoring
4:39pm - 5:02pm ESTLaminar 2.0: Serverless Stream Processing with Enhanced Code Search and Recommendations
5:02pm - 5:25pm ESTServerless Computing for Dynamic HPC Workflows
5:25pm - 5:30pm ESTClosing